Pushpanjali Hospital and Critical Care has 25 bedded fully furnished ward for men and small children.
Pushpanjali Hospital and Critical Care has 10 bedded fully equipped and furnished ward for female.
Our private wards are 13 in all and fully furnished with a television, an AC, a refrigerator & two beds etc.
Our Major Operation Theatre has an array of latest equipment's based on modern technology.
Our Minor OT has the complete and latest asset, required for all types of minor operations.
A 4 bedded ICU with cardiac monitors, pulse oximeter, central oxygen & suction on each bed.
Casualty & emergency services provide immediate specialist opinion and timely information for highest quality of health care services to the patient.
A well equipped room with cardiac monitor, central oxygen and suction on each bed, consists of a soothing environment.
Hospital take infection control & sterilisation very seriously. Sterilization Room's function is to sterilised all the equipment needed for Theatre.
The Pushpanjali hospital also provides fully equipped fitness and slimming unit which have S.W.D traction, ultrasonic, tense, wax bath, TMT, muscle stimulator and many more.
Hospital laboratory is equipped in all areas like biochemistry, microbiology, hematology, serology etc. fully advance pathology equipped with cell counter, auto analyzer, semi auto analyzer.
Pushpanjali Hospital and Critical Care consists a 24 hour pharmacy with a wide range of medicinal drugs available.